Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday Night Sew [not date]....

Well, tonight didn't exactly go as planned. I was supposed to head to mom and dad's to sew with mom in place of our Tuesday night sewing date (she was sick), but tonight dad was sick. So I stopped by quick to pick up all of my bright fabrics and had a sewing date with my sewing machine at home tonight! The project of the night was a new one. As I had said in a previous post, I wanted to make a 9-patch quilt after looking at all the different ones by people in Amanda Jean's quilt-along. So tonight was the night! I had the evening to myself, the hubby worked late, and man did I get some stuff done! And here I am, still up when I should be asleep by now (thankfully I have tomorrow off).

Anywho, for all that I did tonight:

I started with this pile of great fabrics that I've been collecting over the years

And instead of cutting a little, which I originally planned, I just got on a roll and cut them all! I counted about 45 fabrics total at the moment. Who knows, I may raid mom's stash later if I need a few others.

Then of course I just couldn't stop there, so I pulled out my machine and started stitching!

I kept sewing until I realized what time it was and counted my total. I finished 14 tonight! Maybe this won't take as long as I was originally thinking! And now I'm off to bed, I get to sleep in a bit, but then off to shop with mom :o) Have a wonderful night!

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