Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday Night Sewing Date

So things were a little busy when I got home last night, thus I'm updating about "Tuesday Night Sewing Date" today.

It was a great night with much girl chat and laughter!  It is always such a great time when the three of us get together!  And happy news- we will soon be adding a fourth!  One of my really good friends, Katie (yes, we "K's" tend to stick together), has mentioned that she has always wanted to learn to sew, so I said "come on down!!"  I was talking to Mom that she should turn this into a little gig on the side, teaching others to sew, and we'll all be her first success stories!  {Then I was told by Dani I don't count since I'm the daughter ;o)}  We could give her testimonials and all!!  Maybe sometime in the future..  So Katie will be joining us soon enough!

Last night it was back to the wedding quilt.  No real new pictures, it's just plugging along, pretty much at the same stage as it was before {plus I figured others wouldn't want to see a picture of plastic bags with fabric in it}.  Hopefully next week I'll have some blocks to photograph and show!

What was your project last night??


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