Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Night [something] Date

We didn't get to sew tonight at Mom's, we spent the night finishing to get ready for the garage sale. Its all ready now! I just have to bring a couple things to her house and we're good to go.

One thing we did do tho, that was a long time coming, was clean out her tupperware cupboard! And after many years of raising a family, cooking and baking, and sending food with kids to college...it was about time for some of those things to go!

So we started with this:

And ended with this (two boxes and a garbage bag to go, and a neatly organized cupboard that doesn't explode when you open it):

Now i'm off to do a bit of sewing on my vintage feedsack flower garden, then off to bed! Hope you had a grand day!

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